Does He show us previews of His plan and we can see if it we look closer and listen more intently?
I believe that God has a plan for me but I'm not sure what it is. I get bits and pieces of possibilities but I don't see the big picture. I try not to focus on the big picture and go with what I know for now.
I found myself praying last night for God to give me a glimpse. I see my life evolving almost daily and it's exciting.
What do you think? I believe there isn't a right or wrong answer, just insight and experiences that help us with the questions we have.
Thanks in advance for your comments.
Good question. I think God can reaveal his plans to us. I think we all know some of what God has for us. He shows us what he wants us to see. I think that he doesn't reveal everything to us becuase we couldn't handle it. I think not knowing keeps us relying on God and it grows our faith so that we can become all that God intended us to be. Sometimes it sure would be nice to know though.
I think the only way that God reveals His plan and purpose for us is thru obediance in studying the Word and prayer. Then the holy spirit will lead you in the right direction. That is my opinion.
My question is... how do I get to the point where I'm studying in the Word daily, and praying daily as if the Lord sits next to me at all times (as He does).. but how do I really start to become the obediant child He wants me to be? Habits are so hard for me to start or break... any suggestions?
In response to the comment asking for suggestion to start or break habits...
At a ladies retreat I heard a woman speak about setting aside time for God. She suggested taking small steps. For instance, set a goal to read your bible. Pick a time that is best for you (morning, lunch break, evening). But set a reasonable goal. Decide to read a verse or a few verses. A few is better than none. If you set aside this time and set reasonable goals you'll find yourself reaching the goals and striving for more. You may start "studying" the bible and not just reading.
For habits to break? I say take it a day at a time. I used to use profanity more often, more than I want to admit. I still find myself saying something I shouldn't. I made a decision to stop. Once I did that, I just practiced speaking the way I wanted to. Now if I say something I shouldn't I feel weird and it sounds funny to me! Hope this helps. I will pray for you. Monica
I find God's plan revealed steadily and incrementally through people who surprise me, the phone calls that suddenly come from people I haven't talked to in a while, from the offers people make, from wonderful people who combine with wonderful circumstances..... and at that moment, am I listening?
There are so many blessings occuring amidst randomness in everyday life. I find that being able to notice the "clues" that are revealed through people He has placed in my life is MY FAVORITE exercise.
I belive God's plan for me is revealed more by others around me than by my intuition. What I DO with those hints is critical. I quit resisting several years ago and the results have been wonderful.
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