Your sister in Christ is a friend you can call and cry on the phone to and she'll just sit and listen for what seems to be hours. She is a friend you call when you get good news that you both have prayed about "forever".
God has blessed me with me Christian friends. It seems like I connect with each one of them in a special way. Each one is my best friend.
When we accept Christ as our Savior, the Holy Spirit dwells inside of us. We are never alone. The Holy Spirit is there to help us make decisions, to steer us in the right direction, to comfort us when all is failing.
When both you and your friend have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside, there is nothing the two of you can't overcome. We're never alone spiritually and we aren't alone in this world either.
I have had close friends in the past that didn't share my faith. They were "lost" and I was "saved". It was difficult to be the person God expects me to be. I found myself turning back to my old ways. It wasn't their fault. It's a natural occurrence. God separated us in His own time but not until I learned the true value of Christian friendship. For example....The lost friend will participate in gossip. The Christian friend will participate in gossip but the Holy Spirit will knock at their door until they turn away from it. The two of you will be convicted by the Holy Spirit and then encourage each other to stop gossiping because it's wrong and it hurts our testimony.
I appreciate my Sisters so much. We pray for each other, encourage each other, don't judge each other, we forgive each other, we love each other the way Christ loves us. We're only human and we fall on our faces more times than we can count. We help each other stand up and move forward. It's the ideal friendship.
My Sisters are a gift from God. Thank you God! You are truly amazing.
God Bless