I was on MySpace tonight looking around at my friend's sites. I was looking at their pictures and the captions that go along with them. My daughter and I looked at my site and she was looking at the pictures with me (even though they're really old). I started thinking about my kids and how quickly they grow up. My son will be 17 in a couple of weeks and my daughter will be 5 in a couple of days! They are such blessings in my life but I have to wonder if they know how much they mean to me.
It's so easy to get caught up in a "new job" or paying the bills that I seem to let life slip by. As I think back to the last 3 months and wonder what I have done with my time, I can only think of 1 think and that is WORK. What do I have to show for it? Well, let's see. I am more familiar with my job and more comfortable in my position. I love my job. It's fun and always busy. But as I think about it these aren't memories that will stay with me. I don't have pictures to show and relive the memories. My family and I aren't going to sit around the fireplace and think "remember when"!
As I sit here at my computer and think about all of the family pics on my computer just waiting to be printed and put in an album, I wonder what do I do with my time?
I am thankful that God has his subtle and not-so-subtle ways to remind me of what's important. I appreciate the memories that are stored away in my heart. God puts those memories in my heart for a special purpose. The memories in my heart keep my heart warm and open to the Lord's special messages that are meant for me.
I don't want to miss out on the important people in my life: my husband, my kids and my friends/family. I am praying for God to help me with my time management with work and personal life balance. My kids will be starting school in a 3-weeks and I want to be able to spend some time with them before then. Your prayers are appreciated!
God Bless,
Hey Girl, I miss seeing you more than once a week. I can't believe your kiddos are that old already either! They have grown up fast! Whenever I finally get my professional camera (hint hint to Greg b/c I won't make enough money for it anytime soon) I would love to take a ton and half of pics for you for free. :) Oh, and I AM praying for you.
I know what you mean. It's so hard when life changes come about to not rearrange God too. Hang in there with Daniel's disease I feel like we have life changes every week. I never know what's going to happen. I am torn everyday that I cannot stay home with my kids. too love my job and can understand getting caught up in it. I feel like you and i are some what going through the same things only slightly different paths. I will be praying for you!!!!.... Ok so maybe ou just inspired me to go write on my blog again LOL !!
Hi Monica!
You've been on my mind the last couple of weeks and now I know why. I've been having those same feelings. Please know you have been and will be kept in my prayers. Have a great week!
James 4:14
How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog- it's here a little while , then it's gone.
Cherish today!
Your Sister In Christ!
Hey Monica, I know its hard to balance life and work. You have great kids and I bet they know how much you love them. I praying for you. Hang in there
praying for you
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