Last night our church children's program, Light Brigade, held the annual talent show. The kids that participate are ages 3 to 8th grade (not sure what age that is). I was feeling pretty down and overwhelmed with all that our family is experiencing (the unknown with my husband's work). I know in my heart that God will take care of us but the "what if's" get to me sometimes. I didn't really feel like being around anyone but I had to be there. My daughter is in the Glimmers I class (3, 4 & 5 yrs) and I teach the Glimmers II (k, 1st & 2nd grades) class. So, I put a smile on my face and went.
As I watched the kids perform their talents for God, their friends and family, I couldn't help but smile not only on the outside but the inside too. How amazing is it that God uses little kids to lift me up? They know nothing about what I'm going through but they encourage me with their innocence and love for God.
Life is going to be overwhelming at times and I know that but sometimes my flesh gets tired and I don't feel like fighting anymore. When I get that way, God knows and uses somebody and/or something to lift my spirits and show me that He hasn't forgotten me.
When I got home it was pretty late and I chose to relax by reading (this is normal for me). I am currently reading "In The Grip Of Grace" by Max Lucado. The chapter was based on II Corinthians 12 and titled "Sufficient Grace". Max writes about what Paul was experiencing and his prayers to God. Paul had a thorn in the flesh, but doesn't tell us what the thorn is exactly. He said Satan put it there to buffet (torment) him. He asked God three times to remove it and God said no. But God did say "My strength is made perfect in weakness" II Corinthians 12:9b. When we are weak, we allow God's strength and power to help us and with God we can do anything. He allows different situations so that we might draw near to Him.
II Corinthians 12 happens to be one of my favorite chapters in the bible. I didn't just "happen" to read that chapter last night. God knew I would need a gentle push and reminder that "His grace is sufficient for me" (see II Corinthians 12:9a).
Today I am feeling much better as I am reminded of God's Mercy,Grace and Love.
God Bless and Thank You For Your Prayers.
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