I would like to hear from you this week. What do you praise God for today? The bible tells us "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1 Thes 5:18
When I am praising God, I can't hear the devil whisper in my ear the lies he likes to tell me. You know the ones..."you're a failure", "you're not a good person", "you're not a good mom", "you won't have enough money this month", etc, etc, etc!!! It's truly never ending.
I dedicate this post to each of us that choose to praise God and give thanks in every thing!
God Bless
I praise God today for the knowledge that I need not be in fear, for He has never failed me. He has proven over and over that no matter how hopeless or afraid I may be, He loves me and protects me. His divine plan for my life is more than I could ever hope to achieve on my own. All I have to do is surrender to His will, and all my earthly troubles mean little. My human nature is to worry, but when I look back, I know......I know that He has always been there, cared for me always, even when I was lost.....
I praise God for the wonderful family and friends He has blessed me with. I also praise Him for His love and His forgiveness He gives me each and every day. He has done and is doing so many great things for me and in my life that I need to be praising Him day and night. Thank you for doing this topic, you turned a light on for me.
I have been thanking God for my health lately. It seems everyone in my family has had some sort of illness or another. I honestly do not know how I have not caught anything. However, I do thank the Lord daily for this, as I have had the strength to care for them and to keep the household going and try to get rid of those germs.
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