There have been several times in my life when I haven't understood the reasons things happen. Over the past 6 months so much of my life has changed. As I look back on it, I am puzzled. I don't quite understand the things that have happened or the feelings I have felt.
I know that just 6 short months ago I was so close to God. My relationship seemed rock solid. Alot has happened since then such as a new job. A job that God provided which happens to be an answer to prayers that I prayed for about 3 years. I consistently prayed for God to provide a career for me. I wanted a career that I could grow in and be successful too. Then one day, there it was. The door opened and my new career began. My new career has been a pretty big struggle. I know in my heart that God provided this new career for me and He never promised it would be easy.
Let's see, what else? My husband lost his job in May. This was something we knew was a possibility since January. We are a two income family and that's all there is to it. However, we have made it thru the summer without a hitch. We have had the money that was needed each time it was needed.
That's it, right? Well not quite. About a month ago, I came to the realization that God was leading me out of the only church I have ever known. I was led to Christ by someone from this church. My son was baptized in this church. This is the only church my daughter and son have ever attended. How could this be? At first I was afraid because my closest friends attend this church as well as a lot of my family. I was afraid that people would talk about me and make assumptions that weren't true. I was afraid that I wouldn't find a new church home.
So what does this add up to? Trust and faith in God is a must no matter what. I am happy to report that I am getting acclimated at work. I am told by my peers that it takes about a year to complete the on-boarding process. I can say that I have 6 months down and only 6 months to go! My husband is working part-time and we continue to overcome the financial challenges that life seems to throw our way. My kids are able to continue attending the Christian school we have come to love and appreciate in more ways than one. We visited a wonderful church this past week. It's the second church we visited and we loved it. My kids and I are very excited to attend their Awana's Kick-off tomorrow night as well as next Sunday's services. My mother, who has not attended church in several years, is excited about going with us. Yes, some of the friendships I had from church have changed or even somewhat ended. Some of those friendships have grown even stronger. I have learned that friendships and relationships come and go according to God's purpose.
I believe that God has led me down this path so I can see that I need him when my faith is strong and I need him when my faith is weak. God has been the only constant in my life. He is working in my life minute by minute and continues to bless me and my family. Over and over I can hear "Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10.
Thank you for your prayers,